Wit & Wise Words

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

About the SLB.

Small Little Brother, for those not yet familiarised with my strange acronyms. I don't call him tiny, cause then he gets all whiny, and since he's already a pain in the ass, don't want to go that road.

Now he's got a real ego problem, he wouldn't be the first, I know a lot of guys who have them, starting with the Great Red Haired Fashion Slave, but actually the SLB is worse, which is kinda saying something.

I mean, I get he's the youngest and Mommy's Sweetie, I get he's all cute and boyish and dimply, but seriously people, are me, my other bro and my dad the only ones who see through? Isn't it painfully obvious when he's looking at you? The little manipulative angel, Mr. Devil In Disguise, if your smile was less cute you wouldn't act that wise, besides I'm jealous that all people find you nice, you little brainless desperado, strolling around like you own the place, while you often can't even keep up the pace.

I guess this is a simple sibling rivalry, with me being the Brains and him the Beauty, yet sometimes it just hurts inside, him hogging all the attention while we have to fight to keep our part of the prize. So what if he's a fucking drama queen? I've been an amateur actor for ten years, I've seen younger & better than him! So what if he's cute and full of energy? He's a kid, isn't this what they're supposed to be?

I've always said I don't care about getting attention, the truth is I love praise and the spotlight slightly more than the next person. I love being recognized, it's what I work hard for, not the money or the grades, but the cheers and the praise. Nothing feels as good as a standing ovation, nothing feels as good as hearing 'You know a hell of a lot, for a 16 year old person.'

I'm getting to the point where I worry he'll have a girlfriend sooner than I have a boyfriend, the dimple heartbreaker, he's by 6 years my junior, now that'd just be shame. God I'm rambling. Good thing most people never remember my name. Still, I don't want to stay invisible all the same.

It's going to take more than some time to make me shine, but when I do, I promise it'll be bright. I'll overshadow the SLB. Serves him right.

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