Wit & Wise Words

Thursday 23 September 2010

Me's gone mobile!

Great news, my friends: I've finally evolved past the dinosaur state!
I now own a very decent smartphone, and even the Great Red-Haired Tintin was slightly impressed. And that saying something!

Oh, by the way: this is being typed, composed, invented and created on my brand new HTC. At school. After hours. I know, I must be crazy.

Well actually, I'm being a good samaritan once again helping out at a parent information evening. That'll learn me to be on the pupil board.
Gotta go. 'Coup de feu' is about to start.


  1. You are helping prepare an "oudercontact", if I understood well? What do you have to do?

  2. Basically, it meant prepare snacks, fill glasses, serve people and do the washing up. Oh yeah, I've discovered Vincent is real weird...

  3. Let's tweet about Vincent then! :D
    And here you can reply when the oudercontact will take/has taken place, because I cannot remember ever have heard a word about it...

  4. Oh, almost forgotten: what does Dogslife Mobile look like on your shining phone? :D I'd be honored to fix issues (if there occur, of course).

  5. I heard some rumors about that kind. Let's hope it is not true...


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