Wit & Wise Words

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Time, 'til we have enough of it (which won't be in a near future)

Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.Time. Time. Time. Time.

Oh, sorry. You there? I was asked to write a text about time. In the philosophical way. Which is, pardon my saying, a bitch.

Edit: here be a very bad piece of writing, which has been disposed of.

But we, humanity, made time. Hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, months, years, all those are human inventions. Screwed up humanity, to give names to that what hurts you most, which is supposed to heal wounds, but really it's only forgetfulness that heals wounds.

Time is our craft, so our responsibility. We can't blame time, time is our creation. We can only blame ourselves.
So not to have to do that, use your time preciously. Turn pages where necessary, let things go once the end has come. But care for what is worth it as long as it's worth it. And even a bit after.
Remember the past, dream the future, live the now but not in the now.
And learn. Never stop learning, because then you'll die. Of boredom.

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