Wit & Wise Words

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Report of the day -- so boring it'll keep readers away.

I have lost something. My mother would say 'yet again' and 'have you seen the state of your room', but no-one cares about that, least of all me. However she quite authoritatively ordered me to 'clear up the mess' in my room today, pretending one couldn't walk around without twisting his or her ankle tripping over a book. As I was in a fairly good mood at noon, I complied.

And everything started to go downhill from there.

First, I found out my father realised I've been dabbling with uTorrent again, and cut off the Wifi for the whole household (except his computer, I should imagine), thus causing us all to want to use the family computer, that has LAN, at the same time. Which has caused innumerable arguments since lunch.

Secondly, I have lost a stupid file filled with stupid, but necessary, documents. Not that it's a matter of life and dead, but it's bothering me and you can be sure it'll trouble my falling asleep. As if it wasn't hard enough as it is.
See, that is why I do not clean my room. I never lose things because I do not realise I've lost them until I need them. It causes me a great deal of frustration at those moments, but at least it doesn't trouble my sleep.

Thirdly, we had pancakes tonight, which I love, but I really need to lose a stone, and my mother's all for it, but how does she expect me to do it if she keeps coming up with delicious, sugary, oily, salty, greasy, buttery and creamy foods!? Hello, ever heard of the principle of 'diet'? It means you eat less foods that make you fat!
Occasionally, it also means you're expected to work out, but I doubt I'll ever get further than my 14 km of bike a day to go to and back from school.

On the 'I-don't-know-if-this-is-good-or-bad'-side, my cynicism is coming back. I realised I missed it a great deal.
On the shit side, homework sucks. Then again, nothing new there I suppose.

On the 'fucking-crazy-I-don't-get-it'-side, I had a suicidal thought today. After initial worry, I realised I was being cynic at myself. Way to go, kid.

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