Wit & Wise Words

Sunday 2 May 2010


... and welcome to the worst coloured blog in the universe. Good thing I'll be the only reader.

Anyway, we (or rather, I) are here to discuss the antics of my day-to-day world. Don't worry about those highly philosophical 'entrevues' cluttering up your (I'm sure) terribly busy schedule; as I have no life, there's not much to be said about it, let alone to discuss.

Because I'm already running out of ideas after this very first paragraph, this will also be a very boring blog. With a very boring view of the world by an even more boring teenager. Who has no life. Yes, I'm going to have loads of fun.
You, on the other hand... might wanna stop reading.


  1. Congrats! Very nice publicity to start with! (Y)

  2. Look at the date. It was way before you asked me if I had a blog. This was supposed to be a journal where I would complain about my life. Nobody I knew would normally read it. It felt just right to give people a cynical welcome.


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