Wit & Wise Words

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Writer's Block (and a lifeline)

For today's blog, I have no inspiration.


I have now received two subjects from a friend, to whom we'll all give a big cheer now.


Anyway, thank my red-haired friend and hereby dedicate him his blog (I'm sorry, just think that colour of shame fits wonderfully with your hair).

Subject 1: A certain person we both know has been terribly smitten lately, so I was requested to write about the one, true, only love.

Epic Fail. I've never even be slightly smitten, how am I supposed to know anything about love at all!? My only sources are those sappy romantic comedies my mother adores and that clutter up our shelves. Not exactly the most realistic source of information, even I know that. The same thing counts for the even more sappy romance novel's my grandmother has left us a box of.

Because yes, I was actually so lame at a time that I read those things, which aren't even good enough to start a decent camp fire.

That kind of rules out writing about the subject, isn't it? Trust me,  I'd love to write how wonderful a feeling it is, and how teenagy the thing is. I'd love to. I want to be smitten and get a boyfriend, but that's just not something that's happening right now (and it certainly won't happen if I don't start to leave the house more, but that's such a long story it's worth an article on it's own. I am that pathetic)

Subject 2: Tomorrow, we both have this huge, very boring ancient Dutch literature test. I won't bother you with the specifics, partly because I want to spare you and partly because I couldn't tell them to you if my life depended on it. Let alone for some stupid test I don't care about anyway.

Those old Dutch writers, they all write pretty things, but they're kind of... well let's say they've been dead for like a very long time. Not exactly something that'll interest a bunch of fairly normal 16-17 year-old teenagers.

But the thing is, even though we may both be very bored teenagers, we have parents, teachers, and a whole society to please by getting good grades. I'm on fairly okay ground there, but I know that for some others it's way more difficult. Resulting in us, two very bored teenagers doing something wildly resembling studying with a bunch of twittering in between 'till every hour of the night. Did I mention that even if the Belgian school system is praised, it's as screwed up as our weather? Relying mostly on science, but requiring that magic touch. Which this Dutch course obviously doesn't have.

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