Wit & Wise Words

Saturday, 17 July 2010

At the hairdresser's

People persons are just so lucky. Being able to walk up to anyone, flash them a smile and start conversation would be just perfect. Imagine the freedom I'd gain. Imagine the good effect it would have on my health. Imagine the possibilities (that very much sounded like it came out of an advert)...

Let me explain. I am so sickeningly scared of other people that I walk around looking at the pavement. Which isn't good for my back, something my mother never stops worrying about.

It's also far from good for my psyche. I discovered just today I am so scared of people I don't correct them when one of them calls me 'young man'. Good thing mum wasn't around, I'd never 've heard the end of it.

Being scared of people is bad. Especially when I go to the hairdresser's and don't speak up when the haircut starts to look too much like Justin Bieber's. Good thing that didn't last, or I would have had to go through with that cut until the hair grew back. Because I would never have said anything . I wish I was more confident.

Another thing I remarked while at the hairdresser's today: I am the only one who doesn't make small talk when getting her hair cut. Everyone else was talking about Spain, or the weather, or their children, or the annoying woman who almost accused them of stealing her umbrella. I wouldn't want to be that woman, every person who came in to get his or her hair cut heard about her surely having eaten it [the umbrella, not the hair].

I almost fell asleep while they were washing my hair. Courtesy of a 4 hours of sleep night of me trying to understand and help someone. Made me look really ridiculous when I forgot to take off my glasses when they were washing my hair. I was dead tired and when I made a sudden movement to save them from the water stream, said stream got into my neck. I must be the most clumsy customer they've had in ages.

At least I'll give them a good story. Better than some stuck up woman who lost her umbrella and behaved like she'd eaten it.

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