Wit & Wise Words

Friday, 11 June 2010

Exams and patheticness

Hello, people who never read my blog (and who I'll never encourage to do so).

I've slightly disappeared from the foreground since I have exams, exams I must pass otherwise I can forget Congo this summer. Anyway, today's Friday, I have maths Monday, I should be studying but I'm calling it an afternoon. I'm dealing with the post-traumatic effects of my Dutch Literature exam. First oral exam ever. I think I looked slightly green when I entered the class. I also think my voice barely rose up above 'mice' level and I had symptoms of young age Parkinson's. You know, the disease that makes you tremble. Also,  I stuttered. But apart from that I think it went quite well. Apart from the part where she corrected me, you know, like twice.

So I've decided to wipe this incident from my mind, because if I start to brood it's going to take me down. On the upside (oh, look, an oxymoron!); the program I put on my calculator to cheat at the chemistry exam worked perfectly and proved to be extremely useful. Really, I would never have found those coefficients by myself. They're bitchy things, especially in combination with stoichiometry.

Enough about the extremely boring matter I handled today. Only problem, I don't have anything interesting to tell. Apart from the fact my little brother's friends like me because I'm ridiculous. Which is, as a matter of fact, quite depressing. Just as much as this item.I think I'm going to go watch an old classic movie where every one dies, or something. All Quiet On The Western Front, or something. Gone With The Wind or Camille. So I can cry sad, pathetic girly tears and pretend I'm just another hormonal screwed up teenager.